It is a service that the chef provides food at various places such as your home, villa, hotel, condominium, company, campground, ferry, etc. We will provide delicious food and services at special times such as anniversaries, birthdays, and Christmas parties.

事前に御相談を頂きメニュー等を提案いたします。 調理道具等をお借りし、調理を致します。 その他、グラス・お皿・カトラリー・お箸等の御準備もお客様ご自身でお願い致します。お客様はテーブルに座っているだけで大丈夫です。ご自宅や場所によってはご用意できないこともありますので、事前にご連絡頂ければ調理器具、お皿類〜カトラリー全てをこちらでご用意致します。
We will consult with you in advance and propose menus, etc. I will borrow cooking utensils and cook it. In addition, please prepare glasses, plates, cutlery, chopsticks, etc. by yourself. Customers are fine just to sit at the table. Depending on your home and location, we may not be able to prepare it, so if you contact us in advance, we will prepare all cooking utensils, plates and cutlery here.

Please be assured that we will also clean up and wash dishes after the food is served. We accept the number of customers from 2 to 20 people.

Catering for a large number of people and standing parties will be served in a buffet style like a hotel buffet. Please feel free to contact us for weddings, parties, etc. We will accommodate 20 to 100 people only in the case of buffet style.