

If you have trouble cooking at a place where you want to hold a wedding or party, please feel free to contact Chef’s Kitchen. We will consult with the customer and present a cooking plan tailored to the customer.


We will respond from a small number of people to a large number of people. Please be assured that we will prepare a set of equipment related to dishes and drinks (plates, glasses, cutlery, etc.) here.


  1. メゾン・ド・ピアジェ

  2. The Vale Rusutsu ザ ヴェール ルスツ

  3. AYA NISEKO 綾 ニセコ

  4. PANORAMA NISEKO パノラマ ニセコ

  5. ZAION 在恩

  6. La Cachette ラ カシェット

  7. Villa VALIOSA ヴィラヴァリオーサ

  8. ZABOCON YOICHI 余市マリンハウス