You can enjoy Hokkaido’s A5 rank Wagyu beef luxuriously with a course meal. The chef will cook the finest Wagyu beef on the spot without moving to a condominium, hotel room, home, company, etc. For shabu-shabu, you can enjoy both the three major crabs and Wagyu beef.
富良野和牛 Furano wagyu
北海道を代表するふらの和牛の美味しさは何と言っても肉の「甘み」と「香り」です。 兵庫県産の純血但馬牛の血統に支えられたきめ細かな口どけの良い味わいは、いつまでも舌の上にその甘さと存在感が尾を引く余韻の長さが特徴です。
The deliciousness of Furano Wagyu beef representing Hokkaido is the “sweetness” and “fragrance” of the meat. The fine-watered taste supported by the bloodline of pure-blood Tajima beef from Hyogo Prefecture is characterized by the length of the aftertaste that its sweetness and presence always draws the tail on the tongue.

白老牛 shiraoi wagyu
It is a Kuroge Wagyu beef that grew up with the benefits of the northern land and the love of the producers, such as the warm climate, rich nature, and blessed water in Shiraoi-cho, Hokkaido.
At the “Hokkaido Toyako Summit”, it was used for the Japan-U.S. Leaders’ Dinner and the luncheon hosted by the Prime Minister’s wife, and was highly praised by VIPs around the world. The deep richness and mellow taste are exquisite, so please enjoy “Shiraoi Beef”.

しゃぶしゃぶコースをご利用のお客様 Customers using the shabu-shabu course
ご注文は3日前までにご予約ください。 Please make a reservation 3 days in advance for your order.
ご自宅にお料理&機材をお届け致します。 We will deliver food and equipment to your home.
・材料(肉、海鮮、調味料など) Ingredients (meat, seafood, seasonings, etc.)
・スープは4種類の中から There are 4 types of soup.
・機材一式(皿、焼き台、鍋など) A set of equipment (plates, grills, pots, etc.)
・回収ボックス Collection box
食べ終わりましたら回収致しますので、回収ボックスに入れ、玄関にお願い致します。キャンセルの場合は前日50% 当日100%となっております。天候によってお届け時間がご希望のお時間より遅くなる場合がございます。
When you finish eating, we will collect it, so please put it in the collection box and put it at the entrance. In the case of cancellation, it will be 50% the day before and 100% on the day. Depending on the weather, the delivery time may be later than your desired time.
焼肉コースをご利用のお客様 Customers using the Yakiniku course
※For customers of the yakiniku course, the chef will bake it in the kitchen and serve it in a course style.

Special Tomi A5 Rank Wagyu & Luxury Seafood Yakiniku Course
お一人様20000円+税 20000 yen + tax per person
韓国サラダ、キムチ&漬物、ユッケジャンスープ&ワカメスープ Korean salad, kimchi & pickles, yukkejang soup & seaweed soup
サンチュ、野菜盛り合わせ Sanchu, assorted vegetables
シャトーブリアン、上カルビ、上ロース、ネギ塩上たん、ザブトン、カイノミ、ミスジ Chateaubriand, upper short ribs, upper loin, green onion salt upper tan, Zabton, Kainomi, Misuji
鮑、オマール海老、蟹 Abalone, lobster, crab
ウニ&肉寿司 Sea urchin & meat sushi
本日のデザート Today’s dessert
Special A5 rank Wagyu beef & crab shabu-shabu course
お一人様20000円+税 20000 yen + tax per person
薬味各種 Various condiments
和牛リブロース、和牛もも、北島豚使用豚バラ&ロース Wagyu Rib Roast, Wagyu Momo, Pork Belly & Loin Using Kitajima Pork
ズワイ蟹、毛蟹、タラバガニ Snow crab, hairy crab, king crab
〆のうどん Udon noodles
本日のデザート Today’s dessert